A Woman Stands In The Snowy Landscape Of Jordan Wearing A Scarf.

Does it snow in Jordan? Hidden Winter Beauty in the Middle East!?

Ever found yourself daydreaming, “I wonder if it snows in Jordan?” You’re certainly not alone. I recall mulling over the same quandary before my first adventure to this enthralling Middle Eastern jewel.

To my surprise, and perhaps yours too, there’s more than just sunlight kissing the sand dunes in Jordan; indeed, it does experience a dusting of snow–especially in its higher altitude areas during the chilly winter months.

Quite the contrast from what we typically picture, isn’t it? Delving deeper into this blog post promises insights about Jordan’s weather patterns and what you can expect while visiting during January – one of Jordan’s chilliest months! So grab your cup of tea (or coffee if you prefer), and let’s explore together; turns out there’s much more to unveil beyond just desert landscapes when talking about Jordan!

Key Takeaways

  • Snowfall in Jordan is not common, but it does occur in certain higher-altitude regions during the winter months.
  • The western parts of Jordan, including Amman and Petra, as well as some mountain ranges, are more likely to experience snow.
  • Snow can have a significant impact on daily life in Jordan, causing flight delaysroad closures, and power outages.
  • Travelers visiting Jordan during the winter season should pack warm clothing and be prepared for potential snowy weather.

Snow in Jordan

Snow is not a common occurrence in Jordan, but it does snow in certain regions, primarily at higher altitudes.

Occurrence and regions affected

Snow doesn’t blanket Jordan on a regular basis. However, in the chillier months between December and March, certain higher-altitude regions may see some flakes falling from the sky.

The western parts of Jordan such as Petra, Amman, and some mountain ranges particularly experience this winter phenomenon. Take for instance January 2022 when snowfall brought Amman city to a halt, creating scenic landscapes yet causing significant challenges like flight delays and road closures.

In the east near the Iraqi border, snow can also be expected occasionally at places like Ruweished Brigade. Even so, each occurrence is unique with varying degrees of snow due to different weather patterns across regions within Jordan.

Impact of snow on daily life

Snowfall in Jordan can have a significant impact on daily life. When it snows, flights may be delayed or canceled, making travel plans more challenging. The roads can become treacherous, leading to closures and difficult driving conditions.

Power lines may also be affected, resulting in power outages in some areas. These disruptions can cause inconvenience and make it necessary for people to adjust their daily routines accordingly.

Snow is not a common occurrence in Jordan, so when it does happen, it has the potential to disrupt normal activities and create a beautiful but challenging winter landscape.

The snowfall in Jordan could potentially ease the ongoing drought in the country by replenishing water sources and bringing much-needed moisture to the land. It’s important for travelers visiting during the snowy season to be prepared for these conditions by packing appropriate clothing and gear for cold weather.

Climate in Jordan

In January, the average temperatures in Jordan range from 30 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit, with colder temperatures experienced in higher altitude regions.

Average temperatures in January

In January, Jordan experiences the coolest temperatures of the year. The average temperatures range from around 8°C to 14°C (46°F to 57°F), depending on the region. This means that you’ll need to pack warm clothing and dress in layers when visiting during this time.

Keep in mind that higher altitude regions may have cooler temperatures and even snowfall, so be prepared for chilly conditions if you’re planning to explore these areas.

Weather patterns in January

In January, the weather in Jordan can be quite cold. It is considered to be part of the winter season in the country. Snowfall is possible during this time, especially in higher altitude regions like Amman and the central hills.

The snow can lead to road closures and difficult driving conditions. In fact, in 2022, a significant snowfall brought Amman to a standstill. So if you’re planning a trip to Jordan in January, make sure to pack warm clothing and be prepared for potential snowy weather.

Other weather events in January

In addition to snowfall, January in Jordan can bring a variety of other weather events. Rainstorms are quite common during this time, providing much-needed relief from the dry climate.

These rain showers help irrigate agricultural fields and replenish water sources. However, heavy rainfall can also lead to flooding in low-lying areas.

Strong winds are another weather occurrence to be aware of in January. These gusts can reach speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour (37 miles per hour) and affect travel conditions, especially for those planning outdoor activities or sightseeing.

Lastly, foggy mornings are not uncommon in January, particularly in coastal regions like Aqaba. The misty atmosphere creates a unique ambiance and adds an element of mystery to the landscape.

Tips for Visiting Jordan in January

Pack warm clothing and layers to prepare for potential snow, plan your itinerary to account for possible road closures, and make sure to attend exciting events happening in January such as the Amman Citadel Festival and the Jordan Trail Challenge.

What to pack

Pack for your trip to Jordan in January with the chilly weather and potential snowfall in mind. Be sure to bring warm clothing, such as heavy coats, sweaters, hats, gloves, and scarves.

Layering is key, as temperatures may fluctuate throughout the day. Don’t forget sturdy waterproof boots or shoes and thick socks for walking in snowy conditions. Additionally, pack a good-quality umbrella or a waterproof jacket to stay dry during any unexpected showers.

It’s also a good idea to have a reliable power bank on hand in case of power outages caused by the snowfall. Lastly, remember to pack your camera to capture the stunning snowy landscapes that Jordan has to offer during this time of year.

How to plan for potential snow

When planning for potential snow in Jordan, it is crucial to be prepared and make necessary arrangements. Firstly, pack warm clothing such as jackets, hats, gloves, and boots to stay comfortable in snowy conditions.

Additionally, check the weather forecast regularly and stay updated on any advisories or warnings related to snowfall. Remember to allow extra time for travel as roads may be closed or slippery during snowy weather.

It is also important to have emergency supplies like food, water, blankets, and a charged phone in case of any unforeseen situations. Lastly, if you are visiting popular tourist sites like Petra or Amman during winter months when snowfall is possible, consider checking with local authorities beforehand about any closures or restrictions due to snow.

Must-see events in January

In January, Jordan offers a variety of must-see events that are worth experiencing. One highlight is the annual Petra by Night event where the ancient city of Petra is illuminated with candlelight, creating a magical atmosphere.

It’s an incredible opportunity to explore this UNESCO World Heritage Site under the stars. Another must-see event is the Amman Citadel Festival, which showcases local music, dance performances, and cultural exhibitions right in the heart of Amman.

You can immerse yourself in Jordanian culture while enjoying breathtaking views of the city. Lastly, don’t miss out on visiting Wadi Rum during January as it offers stunning desert landscapes and opportunities for hiking and camping.

Exploring this majestic wilderness will leave you in awe of its beauty.


Snowfalls in Jordan are a rare but captivating sight. The higher altitude regions, such as Amman and western mountain ranges, may experience occasional snowfall during the winter months.

This can disrupt daily life with flight delays, road closures, and power outages. However, for travelers seeking unique experiences and stunning snowy landscapes, visiting Jordan during the winter season is an opportunity not to be missed.

More About Snow!


Does it snow in Jordan?

Yes, it does snow in Jordan, especially during the winter and particularly in the higher altitude regions and central hills of the country.

How does snowfall affect life in Jordan?

Snowfall can lead to delayed flights, road closures, and power lines down causing treacherous driving conditions.

Is Amman affected by snowy conditions?

Yes, Amman often experiences cold climates and even rare snowfalls that cause road closures due to accumulated ice on roads.

When is a good time to see snowy landscapes in Jordan?

Winter season is most likely when you’ll experience snowy weather and participate in winter activities like viewing lofty mountains covered with white layers of ice.

Does the weather impact tourism during winter?

Despite some disruptions caused by heavy snowfall; however, many tourists appreciate the beautiful yet unusual sight of snowy landscapes enhancing winter tourism in Jordan.

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